George "Dubya" W. Bush (warning, this is taken from a liberal view)

3 Conversations

George W. Bush, more formally known as "Dubya" has been the United States' most recent president. His political experience before becoming the "leader of the free world" was short and bitter (not for him). He served as govener of Texas. Even before his governing experience, he got himself out of going to 'Nam, got busted for drunk driving, used cocain, and was the inforcing arm when his father was president. Now, in the presidency, he has nominated and appointed several conservative and contraversial politicians on his cabinate, recieved money from "special intrest" groups, made bad relations with China, recieved money from "special intrest" groups, destroied many of Clinton's achievments, recieved money from "special intrest" groups, decieding to break the agreement that stoped the cold war, and recieved money from "special intrest" groups.

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