Created | Updated Apr 11, 2002
This is an unpleasant state of mind experienced by most people during their lifetime. It is usually brought on by a distinct lack of thinks to do or to occupy the mind. Often people experiencing this frame of mind will attempt to do anything to alleviate it, see these three examples of what I have done during such an episode:
As you can see from these pathetic attempts at some form of activity I was quite bored at the time I produced them. However I have see some extreme cases where people have filled a whole webpage with "I'm Bored" then put marquee tags around them, it was a hideous sight, the perpetrator is still under going psychiatric treatment at a clinic for the terminally bored.
I have a confession to make; at this very moment I am actually bored and this is yet another attempt to do something. I have been bored for several day now and I am afraid that I will never see the other side of it. I have tried everything from videos to actually doing work for my uni course, I have even tried board games and nothing is working, so I am going to get some professional help. Before I leave for the clinic, I would like to tell you this; boredom is a very sad thing and must be avoided at all times so here is a simple safety precaution that everyone can take: Get a life. I only wish I had one.