Buttons, Shiny, Keeping Lil Busy, For The Purpose Of

1 Conversation

Hello, ! Here is a lovely, shiny button for you. Push it, go on, you know you want to!

smiley - mod

See, wasn't that fnu?

Oh on! Lilitis stikres agnai! To fix ti, press teh bunott!

smiley - mod

There, that's better!

But what's this? The piggies are stealing the button! Catch it before it gets away!

smiley - flyingpigsmiley - modsmiley - flyingpig

We have our button back! And it's had a baby!

Awww, cute as a button - makes you just want to smiley - tickle it.

smiley - mod

Oh dear, now you've made mummy angry.

Quick, poke her with a smiley - spork!

smiley - monster

Wow, watch it run!

smiley - spacesmiley - modsmiley - space

Um, we kind of still need it. Would you mind terribly if I asked you to catch it?

There's safety in numbers, it seems...

smiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - mod
smiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - mod
smiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - mod
smiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - mod
smiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - modsmiley - mod

Or getting lost in the crowd...

smiley - monstersmiley - hamstersmiley - batsmiley - modsmiley - cappuccinosmiley - ufosmiley - simpostsmiley - discosmiley - pggbsmiley - divasmiley - ponysmiley - vampiresmiley - flyingpigsmiley - fullmoon

I think it's surrendering!

smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesignsmiley - peacedove

smiley - discoCongratulations! You caught it! smiley - disco

smiley - drumroll Click here to claim your prize:smiley - gift

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