Do you "See dead people"?

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The wish to be with loved ones lost to death is among the most poignant and insistent of human desires. The desire taunts and saddens us with a litany of *what ifs* and *if onlys*, and mournful pleas for only five minutes more.
Sometimes this wish is fulfilled in the form of visions or apparitions of the deceased, experiences reportedly quite distinct from dreams. These are waking interludes during which the living presence of the deceased person is vividly and, it seems, unmistakably felt or sensed. These episodes are typically convincing, even self-certifying in that a person who undergoes them may have no doubt that the encounter was real and that there is indeed life beyond death.
The universal experience of apparitions has found its way into the language and folklore of cultures all over the world, from a time long before the beginning of recorded history. Even today visionary reunions with the departed are remarkably common. A number of studies published in medical journals have established that a high percentage of bereaved persons have visions of the deceased. Studies suggest that as many as 66 percent of widows experience apparitions or their departed husbands.
A form of apparition is common among people who have *near death* experiences too. They tell us that as they enter into a realm of light, they are met by the spirits of relatives and friends who have previously died. These experiences are often transformative, frequently having positive after effects. It has often been thought that if *near death* experiences could be induced safely in healthy people they could be used in grief therapy.
Many cultures have created and used altered states of consciousness to see, sense and even converse with the dead. There are many accounts in which apparitions of the dead were evoked among living people, most notable are the experiences in the Greek oracles of the dead, or psychomanteums, where people journeyed to consult with spirits of the deceased. Accounts that have survived from those remote times make it clear that people actually seemed to see and be in direct contact with the departed during those visits.

The seeing of ghosts or apparitions is an extremely common phenomenon. Some studies have shown that as many as one quarter of all Americans will admit to having seen a ghost at least once, compared with one third of some Europeans. People who experience apparitions not only see the dead, but may also hear, feel and sometimes even smell them. All of these encounters are powerful reminders that those we love are deeply embedded in fact that it is not a great leap to think that we should not continue to communicate with them in one form or another.
Although the physical body is gone, for some, the spirit of the dead continues to occupy a vivid and important part of the mind. To be with them, perhaps all we have to do is figure out a way to delve into our unconscious minds.

Millions of people report having seen departed loved ones spontaneously, without trying to do so. These apparitions seemingly just happen on there own, without people working themselves into an appropriate mood. Because of their spontaneous nature, the study of apperitional sightings is largely the study of stories, tales told by people who see ghosts and volunteer their accounts to researchers.
Generally, apparitions can not be made to happen, let alone be induced in a laboratory setting. The most common method of study is to collect ghost stories from people and examine their similarities, frustrating for psychologists.

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Even if you dont, how about sharing a few ghost stories.

Merangadan <ghost>

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