Incredibly texting.

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The messages flowed freely thoughout the day,
when they met in the evening, they had nothing to say.
Tapping away on the flip phones, engrossed in a world of their own.

Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, the phone would ring,
“another message” has just come through, I love you.
He answers back, love you to, have a good day.
I’m ok. It’s raining here, what do you say?

She replies to his feverish message, could be better,
I’m typing a letter, my boss is watching I mustn’t linger on my phone, or I’ll sent on my way home! See you Tone.

His reply shortly after to the one he loves the most,
I’m painting a ceiling, its gleaming. I’m balancing
precariously on this ladder, at the end of my tether.
I’ll see you tonight Heather.

She receives the message loud and clear, I have to wait until later to write a message dear.Strolling to the shop at lunch time
texting in earnest she replys, I love you Honey bunch.

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