Talking Point: Procrastination

3 Conversations

A learner plate.
You may delay, but time will not.
- Benjamin Franklin

What's the one thing you've always wanted to do but you haven't quite got round to doing yet? It needn't be a big thing; it could be something like creosoting the fence or redecorating a bedroom - any number of lingering jobs around the house. But it might be something more ambitious like learning to speak Italian or tangoing in Argentina. You might have always fancied reading War and Peace or James Joyce's Ulysses or perhaps visiting Japan or New Zealand. What is it you'd really like to do but you keep putting it off?

As for this Researcher, well, he recently learned how to drive at the age of 39. His was a case study in the art of total procrastination having vowed to everyone who would listen that he would definitely this-time-I-promise-no-I-really-mean-it learn to drive before he turned 30. Oh dear. Nine years later, the excuses long since worn out, he could put it off no more and eventually passed his test (at the second attempt).

So come on, dear procrastinators, procrastinate no more! Find succour and encouragement from your fellow community members. See if you can get started on that one thing you've always wanted to do.

  • Is there one thing you've always wanted to do but just haven't got round to it yet?

  • Is there anyone that can help you do it?

  • Have you recently ended a bout of spectacular procrastination? If so, tell us about it.

  • If you're still procrastinating, what do you think's stopping you? Time? Money? Health? Sheer laziness?

  • Do you think we're lulled into thinking that we've always got loads of time to eventually do things and that's why we put things off? Should we cogitate more on the sands of time slipping through our fingers?

  • Would you say you were a doer, an act-now-ask-questions-later sort-of person? Or are you the more chin-stroking, philosopher type?

  • Dear doers, do you have any advice for procrastinators that will help put and end to this cursed condition?

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