Outer Banks, North Carolina

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The Outer Banks is better known for the area known a Kitty Hawk where the Wright Brothers missed the ground.
The Outer Banks is littered with beach house after beach house and hotels a few and far between. A great place to bring the family or to just get a few friends together to drink and be basically lazy for a few day's. For those who have way to much money in there bank account I suggest heading toward the north where the beachhouses a large enough to hold a small town in and still have privacy.
Restraunts are plentiful giving opertunity to feast and drink.
Chili Peppers - Offers an interestingly great menu that changes on a regular bases and also offers the best Nacho's I have ever had. 1 appitizer and 1 main course item will feed you and a date.
Most important is the night life.
Kelly's offers Live entertainment nightly
Fishing - Another thing the area is known for is some of the best fishing on the east coast. Charter boats are available to take you deep sea fishing and there are plenty of peirs to fish off of. Of course you can always slide out to the beach with a cooler full of beer and just sit on the shore and toss your line in.

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