A Conversation for Determination of Eye Colour

A565698 - Why my eyes are blue

Post 81

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

smiley - hugSallysmiley - hug
No good things should ever have to end, should they.
Even from writing this one entry, it's obvious that you have such enthusiasm for everything you do that it can only be his loss. Not that this makes it hurt any less.

A565698 - Why my eyes are blue

Post 82


(I think an acknowledgement at the end of an article is fine for a secondary contributor.)

A565698 - Why my eyes are blue

Post 83

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Well said, Ugi. SallyM, I'm in no real position to comment on relationships, but I have two simple pieces of advice for you.

1) It's good to hate him for a while - take your anger out at the gym or by going for long, peaceful walks or shorter, gentle runs. Then, when you feel ready, forgive and almost forget.

2) Stay with us here at h2g2 - you seem a committed and determined person, and that's what h2g2 needs. You are already helping h2g2, and in return h2g2 is bound to help you. Good luck!

Whoami? smiley - cake

A565698 - Why my eyes are blue

Post 84


Of course I'm going to stay at h2g2. Have been here longer than I've been going out with him. By the way he doesn't see the point of coming to visit. I'll keep you posted.

I'll pop a note on the recommended copy's er... notes and see what Axe says about putting potholer as a note at the bottom.

SallyM smiley - smiley

A565698 - Why my eyes are blue

Post 85

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

I'm more than happy for you to drop me from the list & put a footnote in if you like. I just mention it so you know.

Keep up that smiley - smiley!


A565698 - Why my eyes are blue

Post 86

Reika The Librarian, Keeper of Grammar, Most Things Literary, and Calabi-Yau Spaces

Oh my goodness, Sally! I am so sorry to hear about your troubles! I am sorry for not being around. The end of the semester is coming fast and I've been working hard at studying, and well, just working hard......taking a break right now to check in with my e-friends at The Guide.

Breaking up over the phone?! Yuck! What a jerk! I once got dumped by email so I feel your pain. Obviously it's his loss and he wasn't even a decent enough human being to do the dirty deed properly. Coward.

Also, I do apologize again for the extensive reworking I did of your piece. It's the editor in me I guess. Everything I wrote was simply a suggestion and response to some who had suggested working on the transitions between subjects.

Take care of yourself....You're great! smiley - smiley


A565698 - Why my eyes are blue

Post 87

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Hey, here we have editing and moderation. Other places, they have cool-off periods where you can't speak, at the will of volunteers, 'Gods', instant deletion of anything not deemed to be 'suitable' or 'good enough', etc. So I think we're still on to a winner.

SallyM, good luck! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley Smile!

Oh, and here's some smiley - cake to:
a) Eat
b) Throw at him (not too much, please. And only once it's gone stale.)

smiley - winkeye

Whoami? smiley - cake

Key: Complain about this post