
2 Conversations

This is what the Guide has to say about jellybeans: They are mostly harmless.

The worst thing they can do to a person is give him tooth decay. And even some dentists might consider this a good thing since it gives them business.

But what exactly is a jellybean? A jellybean is a bean-shaped, hard but chewable concoction of sugar, gum base, some unknown ingredients that make them awfully yummy, and flavoring.

Since jellybeans come in an assortment of flavors, flavoring is what most people think is the essential part of the jellybean. The flavoring can vary from simple flavors such as watermelon, blueberry, or cola, and even some brand name manufacturers go to extremes with such flavors as red hot chilli, buttered popcorn, and even pizza-flavored.

Jellybeans can be found in local candy stores, supermarkets, tourist kiosks in airports, trick-or-treat bags, the ever-so-expensive food counter in movie theatres, your co-workers' candy bowls (if any), Christmas stockings, drugstores, your grandmother's candy jar (usually labelled Don't Touch), dollar stores, those annoying candy dispensers near main doors that nobody bothers with, and, if you are really lucky, digging into your couch can reward you a hidden jellybean or two.

How to Eat a Jellybean: In order to do this simple feat, one must be ready for surprise and excitement once a jellybean enters one's mouth. It is also highly recommended that when eating jellybeans, one must grab a handful of jellybeans, each handful having three or more flavors so to create a sensation almost like a new year's party within one's mouth. The more flavors you eat, the more livelier the party becomes. Eating different flavored jellybeans all at once also creates a "What Flavor is That Anyway?" game, giving the party a hoot and something to be busy with.

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