Placentia, CA

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Placentia, CA is actually a town in California and is spelled P-L-A-C-E-N-T-I-A. Most often, the 'I' is forgotten, and it is fairly difficult to explain to others that California is a normal state when they truly believe that we name our cities 'Placenta.'

Once you get past the spelling errors afforded to this town on a regular basis, it's not so bad.

A suburb of Los Angeles, Placentia is a family-oriented city which usually deals with not being as high-class as it's neighboring spanish-named city 'Yorba Linda.'

There really is no difference, except that Placentia may have a few more taco stands, which is usually a plus.

While in Placentia, check out Rigoberto's taco stand on the corner of Placentia Ave. and Palm St.

That's about it. It's not industrialized, and all forms of entertainment come from connecting cities.

It's a nice place to live in, but you wouldn't want to visit there.

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