The importance of breakfast in inter-dimensional space travel...

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At the recent congressional press conference of the Disclosure Project to lobby the US government to uncover all of it's deeply held secrets on the existence of extraterrestrials, I was pleasantly amused by the listing for events between 8 and 9am.

It's good to know that even matters as potentially paradigm shattering as extraterrestrial existence still always begin in the US with....

...a continental breakfast.

"yes, i met Glhurg too, lovely chap, chappess, slimy thing whatever, another croissant senator???"

i felt compelled to point this out to a friend in the US who replied that he really was going to start taking a much closer interest in how his tax dollars were being spent.

The other thing I found intriguing was that this bunch are trying to interest a president in the subject of off-world life, when many believe he's not so sure if anything much exists beyond the shores of Ellis Island.

Rumours abound about the map in the oval office with three zones: US; US subsidiary; and 'here be monsters'.

Just a thought.

These details can be checked out on the Project Disclosure website.


Paul D
[email protected]

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