Swiss army knives, the tool that could

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A handyman's dream

Boyscouts (and Girlscouts of course)all around the world have enjoyed the use of an incredibly versatile tool called the Swiss Army Knife since the first few decades of this century.

A swiss army knife can be distinguished by it's red casing, printed with a white shield and cross. it contains multiple layers of tools, always including at least one blade. These tools can be rotated in and out of the casing for use. A Swiss army knife with all tools extended looks like a hedgehog.

Made by two Swiss companies called Victorinox and Wenger, it was originally intended for officers and soldiers of the swiss army. Swiss army knives have become an expression for versatility and portability. Today they are produced in a great multitude of varieties, including all sorts of tools ranging from a blade to a digital altimeter

History of the Swiss Army Knife

As said before, the Swiss army knife is produced by two companies, Victorinox and Wenger. Based in different parts (cantons) of the country they were both awarded contracts for supplying knives to the Swiss army in order to minimize friction between the french and german speaking parts of the country. For the same reason Victorinox knives are identified as "The Original Swiss Army Knife" while the Wenger ones are labelled "The Genuine Swiss Army Knife".

Victorinox was founded in 1884 and made its first deliveries pocket knives to the Swiss army in 1891. Two years later Wenger made its first delivery. Because the Swiss army had just introduced a new rifle that needed a screwdriver to be maintained, the knives delivered included one. A can opener and a reamer were thrown in for good measure. Thus the Swiss Army Knife was born.

The Swiss army decided in 1909 to decorate both companies' knives with the national symbol (a white cross). This has ever since become the distinguishing mark that identified the true, whether original or genuine, Swiss army knife.

In 1921 Victorinox switched to stainless steel for producing the blades and tools. Sources on Wenger are inconclusive about that, but it can be taken for granted that they made the switch in about the same timeframe.

From 1945 till 1949 the versatile knives were available in american PX stores. They probably sold very well, as from there on end the original (or genuine) Swiss Army Knife has diversified into over 800 different forms. Both companies have become huge and are exporting incredible amounts of their products all over the world.

Choosing your own Swiss Army Knife

Swiss army knives are not, if ever, exclusive to the Swiss army today. Everyone and their sister can own one, and probably does. They have many uses, and buying one entails choosing one. They come in many shapes and sizes nowadays, so you will have to take a good look at what you want from your pocket knife.

If you want it to fit in your pocket, without making everyone think you are very glad to see them, you will have to compromise in the tools included. Also, some of the tools that can be found might be very useless and would comprise dead wheight. If you are not planning on going mountaineering, why buy one with an altimeter? If you are a severe technofobiac, would you need a screwdriver?

Take IT professionals for example: They're not mountaineers, nor survivalists. Because their jobs and, usually, hobbies entail unscrewing computer casings (among other things) a knife that has not one, but two screw drivers might be a good choice. It also could have a small magnifying glass for identifying those tell tale burn marks on dead or dying computer hardware. Of course it has the ubiquitous blade, a can opener and a corkscrew. Embedded in the side plates are a pen for writing down technical things, a pincer for manipulating tiny parts and a toothpick for annoying clients while listening to their whining.

Do's and Don'ts

  1. Do take care of your knife, clean it once in a while, and keep the blade sharp.
  2. Do use the knife, it's not intended as a novelty item. If it just sits there, trade it for a more useful one.
  3. Don't use it to impress the opposite sex. They are way too common for that, and will only make you look like a geek.
  4. Don't use them to kill or maim people. It's not nice to do so, and the blade would probably break too.

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