Human Stupidity... Cows with horns

1 Conversation

This is a very simple and obvious fact: People are generally stupid. Sure, there are lots of smarties out there, but MOST people are totally oblivious to the world around them. Take for example... my WORST pet peve... (however you spell that): Stuffed COWS, with horns. Artwork featuring cattle... with horns. Im talking about the female bovine here people. They do NOT have horns WHAT SO EVER. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!? Everywhere I go, to the mall, hallmark, the grocery store, art gallerys, the ice cream place down the street.... There always seem to be depictions of cows, white ones, with black spots, usually no utter (probablly too "sexually suggestive" HA!), and horns. "Why?" you might ask. Well Ill tell you why. Actually.. no I wont. I wouldnt be writing this if I actually knew why people could be that stupid. WERE LYING TO OUR CHILDREN! Please feel free to respond in this respect. Actually, I move to keep a running log. Everyone who sees a cow with horns ANYWHERE, post an enrty about it. I will keep a running log in my Journal. Yes. That sounds quite nice....

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