BOCO Films Inc.

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The art of changing rubbish films into execrable "art"

Welcome to the wacky world of BOCO.

Ever since the dawn of time (well, 1991 anyway.) my brother1and I have gazed upon low-budget American trash TV movies, and realised that they could be improved upon. Art springs forth from irrascible disposability. In order to bring upon this miracle, simply plug a microphone into your video recorder (preferably a JVC; they have an "audio dub" option) and record over the soundtrack with any number of witty asides you and your mates can think up over warm Carlsberg and pretzels. To Hell with synchronicity and continuity!! Talk when you feel like it, be as purile as you like. And after this event, save the movie for posterity. Bring it out four years later, view it with the aforementioned "mates" and give a new meaning to the phrase "laughter-induced aneurysm"!


Hype, Lola, Hype!

Yeah, if I was Franke Potente (Lola) I'd also be running away from this entry. But never fear. Only movies with a high factor of uselessness get the treatment - so useless, in fact,that I doubt very much that copyright law even comes into play here2.Such as the Situationists were oft to say: "regard all art critics as useless and dangerous", and what a great "get out of jail free" card a quote like that is. Get your vitriol out and try it - maybe you have other, more pressing matters to attend to - but reserve a naff Sunday brunch for making these films, I beseech you. All you need is:

  1. A cheap microphone,
  2. Vitriol,
  3. Participants,
  4. Wit; and optionally
  5. LSD.

So why not give it a whirl? And oh, remember to snidefully change the name of the film to something raucous and pathetic. It heightens the tension (?) you see. Farewell to arms!


1An irredemable *^%bag. You'll like him.2But better safe than sorry, right Mr X?

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