Message board role playing

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I'm going to tell you something about message board role playing games.

Basically, they're online role playing games, but they take place on message boards or forums rather than other online games that do not. (Okay, that was a horrible, confusing sentence)

In all role playing games, you're taking the part of a character you create. It's the same thing with message board role playing games. Usually, you're required to create a bio. Sometimes, but not always, you're required to come up with skills, as well.

The bio generally consists of name, age, physical description, personality, and a brief history of the character. You basically want to sum up everything you can about the character up until the moment you join the message board and they join the world.

Once that's done, and your character is approved, you can join play with other characters within the message board world. It's a continuous story, really. Some message boards will have different story lines going on at once, others will only have one or two. It depends on the board.

GMs do exist in this world, but their job is no different than GMs of other role playing games.

Grammar and spelling are essential when you are involved in this kind of role playing, because without either of those, your story line is likely to get confused. Clarity is the key. If you can't understand what you mean, it's likely no one else will understand what you mean.

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