Technology Repeats itself

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History inevitably repeats itself. Like now, computers are splitting into three major groups, just as TV etc. has done.

First, there are the ultra-high end systems for production; servers et all will become tomorrows TV stations and movie studios.

Next will be the high end, stay-on-top-of-trendieness systems for people who love to tinker; the Dolby Stereo, big screen TV’s of the future, with additional hardware for added functionality (kind of like the added functions a VCR and good speakers).

Finally, there will be computers for the masses; computers equivalent to a 15” $200 special and VCR’s to match. Ones that go off and on and show a picture and that’s all anyone cares about them. These are now and always will be the ones owned by the largest sector of the population: the illusive easy-to-use PC (even easier to use than a Mac).

Additionally, Internet access will become like our current TV viewing options, with dial-up AOL becoming similar to broadcast TV and cable modems and DSL lines taking up where basic Cable and Premium Channels left off.

History often repeats itself, although it seems to be doing so more frequently in the technology world. Witness IBM’s blindness to Microsoft, just as Microsoft turns a blind eye to Linux. Or the VHS/Beta Max conflict which has become the current extended play audio CD debate. Change is the only constant in this world of constant upgrades, and foresight is the only compass to guide one through the sea of change.

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