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<P>I always find introducing myself hard - I never really know what to say! I think the second biggest question, after 'What is the meaning of life the universe and everything?', is 'Who are you?' There are so many ways it can be answered!</P>

<P>Below are four of my favourite questions for finding out about others and then my answers...</P>
<P>Q1. What is your favourite saying?</P>
<P><I>Love like you have never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and dance like no one is watching</I></P>
<P>Q2. What obsessions do you have that you can talk about in public?<P>
<UL><LI><I>Lighthouses (hence the name!)</I></LI>
<LI><I>People watching</I></LI>
<LI><I>Purple</I></LI>. I am Vice Minister (Seeker of Purple and Chief Purple Archivist) at the Ministry of Purple. <LINK HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A503632" POPUP="1">Visit the ministry of favourite colours... </LINK>
<LI><I>Asking questions!</I></LI>
... I have also been appointed Keeper of Questions and all things purple <LINK HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A441596" POPUP="1">Visit the keepers page... </LINK> </UL>
<P>Q3. How would you describe your taste in music?</P>
<P>Q4. Who would you most like to be and why?</P>
<P><I>If I had to be someone other than myself (and I am only just starting to work out who that is) I would like to be Catburt from the Dilbert Cartoons - he is a real role model for the kind of work I get paid for</I></P>
<P>I find this question a little easier than who am I, but only a little!</P>
<P>Some of the time I can be found at sea on board the pirate ship <LINK HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A579684" POPUP="1">Blood of the Zaphodistas.</LINK> I run the <LINK H2G2="F70774?thread=144403">Lighthouse Bar</LINK> in Cabin 13. Please feel free to stop by and have a drink with the crew &#8211; Things can get a little rowdy sometimes and I can't guarantee your safety &#8211; it is a pirate ship after all <SMILEY TYPE="winkeye"/> </P>

<P>I am also lucky enough to have a relaxing retreat where I can go to unwind. There is a wonderful <LINK HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A604469" POPUP="1"> Lighthouse </LINK> by the beach where Alex has given me permanent use of <LINK HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A617014" POPUP="1"> Guest Room Number 1. </LINK> If you fancy relaxing by the Jacuzzi, or sitting out on the balcony or just hanging out please pack your holiday mind and come visit.</P>

<P>Alternate Typology is a specialism of mine and indeed I am Senior Lecturer at the Typloytechnic and the proud holder of a DrAT (Hons). If you want to develop your skills in alternate typology visit us at <LINK HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A575912" POPUP="1">the Typloytechnic </LINK> - an institution dedicated to the promotion of the art and science of alternate typology. <LINK HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/U179057" POPUP="1">Ugi MAT</LINK> is the Principle of the Institution and we aim to help all those who want to experiment in typology or point out amusing incidences of alternate typology.</P>
<BLOCKQUOTE><I>Look to this day, for yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. Sanskrit Proverb</I></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>If you want to answer the questions about yourself, suggest a quote or ask me a question... </P>
<P>Anyway, help yourself to <SMILEY TYPE="coffee"/> and/or <SMILEY TYPE="stiffdrink"/> I look forward to hearing from you <SMILEY TYPE="smiley"/> </P>

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