The Inglewood Inn - Adelaide/Australia

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The Inglewood Inn is a small country pub located about 20km from the centre of Adelaide, South Australia. If you enter enter the door to the front bar you will be faced with a small bar. On your right are some 20c bingo ticket machines and on your left an airconditioning unit. The toilets are straight ahead (right end of the bar). The walls are covered in the usual collection of old pictures and bottles of expensive liquor, although of note are any notices claiming the Inn is the oldest in SA. Perhaps it is.

Behind the bar are available a number of beers, VB, Draught and Coopers on tap plus a range of other bottled and canned beers. The beer is always cold enough but i've found that in the morning after drinking a few too many, i've had an unexplained stomach ache. Other report this also and it is believed to be the acid they use to clean their glasses. Its best to stick with spirits or bottles. The clientele in the front bar is usually rough or old, but almost always drunk. The bar staff are usually morose and boring.

To the left of the bar is a door which leads into the upstairs dining area. A few chairs and tables, enough said. Walk to the end and it opens out into a room containing a pool table, a juke box and a pinball machine. Oh, and a few more tables and chairs. Its a lot more fun in this room than anywhere else, plus it has an open fire for cold winters. Just make sure to be there when the drunken louts are not. Well, that sort of describes me, but im always polite <winkeye>. Moving right along..

Back in the dining area theres a door, if you walk through here you'll find yourself in a little room with stairs on the left, a door on the far right and a phone box right next to you. The right hand door leads to the Peacock Room. A little lounge type room with an open fire and a few couches which has a little bar window that opens onto the main bar area. The stairs on the left lead down to the Para-Restaraunt. The food's not bad, but expensive, however I avoid eating it because of persistant rumors of the cook smoking over it while doing the cooking.

The whole place is said to be haunted, all ive seen are lights that dim for a few seconds for no real reason. Not for me to comment, its an old and established community rumor, no need to ruin it.

Overall, i'd say the Inn is about a 5 out of 10 on current form. It's my local pub but I hardly ever drink there. Its too expensive for take-away alcohol and the owners are morose and depressing. Add to that the suspect food, rough and obnoxious patrons and illness inducing beer. With some new owners and clientele they may get people back in, and for 12 months now there has been talk of it being on the market. The only thing that could ruin it all if machines. That'd be the last nail in the coffin.

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