
1 Conversation

Why do we bother with Wednesdays? They're neither here nor there - why not just consider it a non-day and stay at home doing all the stuff you put off doing during the weekend?
It's a bit like those extra days you get during a leap year - you know, Feb 29th. If you ask me this is just a sneaky way of getting us all to put in an extra days work.... BLEAGH! Have this day off too!!!!
It's not that Wednesdays don't have a place in the week or anything, without them Mondays & Tuesdays would just fall off, wouldn't they? (Mind you, maybe that's not such a bad thing....)
Just think how better off we'd all be without the limbo of Wednesday.... The weekend is over and you struggle through Monday & Tuesday, then suddenly - HEY it's THURSDAY, which is, as everyone knows, nearly the beginning of the weekend again!
Without the extra 52 Wednesdays every year, Christmas and Birthdays would all be 7 weeks earlier which means MORE PRESENTS!
Alternatively, if Wednesdays were just isolated as non-days, you could save them up and have 7 weeks extra holidays every year!
Generally speaking, the world would be better off without Wednesdays.
Boo to Wednesday!

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