Jalama County Park

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Disclaimer: all this is either speculation, folklore, or both. Factual information contained may be false.

Jalama is a beautiful spot on the California Coast about halfway between Pismo Beach and Santa Barbara, hidden away among the cliffs between Point Conception and Point Arguello. Jalama creek has worn this area into a beach after hundreds of thousands of years (probably). The Chumash lived at Jalama for years, naming it Ha-la-ma, or divine wind. The Spanish officially named it Jalama after they "moved" all the Chumash. So Jalama's area has been used for growing beans and cattle every since. At that time, who knows what was going on at Jalama. Eventually, in the 40's, they built the train trestle that goes over Jalama Creek. Then it was made into a campground after probably some donation of land by ranchers or the government from nearby Vandenburg.

Presently Jalama is a Santa Barbara County beach. Whereas it used to be a spot no one knew about, it was listed as the second best place to camp in California by Sunset Magazine in 1995, and thus has become much more well known. No longer the secret windsurfer's spot it once was, Jalama made some improvements, and continues to be improved to this day. The first BIG improvement was the warm showers. They have wonderful coin-op showers that are heavenly after a good death march. Another "improvement" is they now have a camp host. She (or his wife) is a meany, so don't walk through her yard. The ranger's are much nicer on the whole anyway. (BTW, if you are getting drunk, at a legal age, keep it down, and don't be pushy, cause the sheriff goes around after quiet hours.)

Cool things can be done at Jalama. Beautiful women roam the beaches during the summer, and you maybe able to get in on a volleyball, basketball, or frisbee game with them. Either that or just sun bathe. The water is a bit cold, so if you plan on surfing or boogie boarding, bring a wetsuit. Areas of the beach are great for skim boarding. Winds provide for kick ass windsurfing. Avoid the horseshoe courts, for those are usually full of drunken middle aged men. Play on the playgrounds (Big one near the store[try the cool tire swing], little one near the rest rooms) at your own risk, for the little children get sand in their eyes very easily.

Hikes are fun too! There are really three main hikes at Jalama, as there are only really three directions to go. You can go north to Point Arguello, south to Point Conception, or up Jalama Creek. The Point Conception hike is best at low tides! Find out the tides from the Jalama Beach store before you trek. The end of the hike has a nice rocky outcropping where sea birds and seals hang out. Watch out for the tar though! Make sure to bring lots of water and sunscreen, for it's a sunny 8 mile roundtrip. The Point Arguello hike is truly a daunting task, but some of the most gorgeous scenery I've seen. Watch for coyotes and army men. See, the Point Arguello hike goes near Vandenburg air force base, so watch out. But if you are stopped, just show them this:


SEC. 4. No individual, partnership, or corporation, claiming or
possessing the frontage or tidal lands of a harbor, bay, inlet,
estuary, or other navigable water in this State, shall be permitted
to exclude the right of way to such water whenever it is required for
any public purpose, nor to destroy or obstruct the free navigation
of such water; and the Legislature shall enact such laws as will give
the most liberal construction to this provision, so that access to
the navigable waters of this State shall be always attainable for the
people thereof.

And if they give you any of the eminent domain crap, show them this:


SEC. 7. Whenever any agency of government, local, state, or
federal, hereafter acquires any interest in real property in this
State, the acceptance of the interest shall constitute an agreement
by the agency to conform to the laws of California as to the
acquisition, control, use, and distribution of water with respect to
the land so acquired.

That's the law. So if they catch you, make sure you are on wet sand. That's well below the high tide line. The round trip is somewhere around 14+ miles. The last hike is up Jalama creek. This is yet another very difficult hike, for it requires you to walk through mud and water the entire time. It's very difficult, so get strong sandals [even though they will break no matter what...]. You can theoretically take the creek to its source, but you will be trespassing, and it is a loooong way. If you don't want to take the whole hike, you can also access the train trestle by either walking or by raft, depending on the water level. It's really cool to be under the trestle when the train goes by.

Miscellaneous things include the store, which sells basic amenities, SoBe, orange juice, and Jalama Burgers (real grub, ~$5). The driftwood is good for duels. You can count the trains that go by and make bets with friends based on odds or evens.

Vital Stats:

Camping: $16 per night ($22 electrical hook-up sites)
Extra car: $8 per night (only two cars per campsite)
Dog: $2 per day
Day Use: $5
Week Camping: $105 (4/1 to 9/14)
Week Camping: $91 (9/15 to 3/31)
Showers: $.25 for 3 minutes

Jalama Beach County Park
Jalama Road
Lompoc, CA 93436

Phone Number:
Recorded Information (805) 736-6316
Park Office (805) 736-3504
Fax (805) 735-8020

Quiet Hours: 10:00pm - 6:00am (No generators, radios, or drunken songs)

Best Campsites: in the 40's over under the Monterey cypress trees, and early 60's over near the other Monterey cypress trees. Avoid up on the hill at all costs! If you get a campsite without trees, make sure to get lots of sunscreen (or hide in your tent), cause you are going to toast!!!!

To get a good spot, you will need to get on the waiting list. Best time to get on it is the day before you want to stay there, but if that isn't possible, get on it early. Cattle call is when all the people on the waiting list gather around the flag pole and hope for a site. Have a good amount of campsites in mind. Cattle call is probably 2 pm, and check out time is 11 am (check times with the ranger, as these may be outdated) so check out all the empty spots after 11. You can do this when you have a site to get a better site.

Sometimes you don't get a site, so you will have stay at another camp site. One that's real nearby (so you can get to Jalama bright and early the next day) is in the city of Lompoc (see directions). The fees are less than Jalama, and you will get a camp site, but the guy on the tractor will come by often. Be careful. It's known to us as Children of the Cornfield, but the proper name is unknown.


From the south (Like LA, San Diego, Santa Barbara):
Take the 101 north to Gavitoa. This is where the 101 strays from the coast and the 1 splits off soon after. Take Highway 1 north where it splits off. Keep going until you get to Jalama Road, it's on the left side of the highway. Take Jalama road all the way to the end.

From the north (Like San Luis Obispo, Monterey, or Seatle):
Take the 101 south to Betteravia Rd. Take Betteravia Rd. east to the 135. Go south on the 135 to the 1. Take Highway 1 south to Jalama road. It will be on the right. Take it all the way to the end.

To Children of the Cornfield: Take Highway 1 north, turning left off of Jalama Road, to the city of Lompoc. When you first enter the city, there is a light. Turn right. The next road on the left should be Children of the Cornfield.

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