The West Highland Way, Scotland

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The West Highland Way is most probably the busiest long-distance footpath in Scotland. It is a 93 mile hike from Milngavie 1 to Fort William, running through the heart of the Scottish Highlands. Some people also walk the Way from Fort William to Milngavie. This is unadvisable for hikers not well trained as the hiking then starts of rough and ends easy.
Most people take about a week to complete the walk averaging about 13 miles a day. The Way is easy to follow as it is clearly marked with the symbol of a thistle set in a hexagon.

Getting there

The West Highland Way starts in the center of town in Milngavie. But seeing as so many hikers arrive by train, the train station has become the unofficial starting point of the Way. There are regular trains from Glasgow Queen Street Station and Glasgow Central station to Milngavie. The trip take approximately 20 minutes. There is also a bus from Buchanan Street Bus Station (in Glasgow) to the station in Milgavie.

Preparations for the Way

Even though the Way is clearly marked it is prudent to have some sort of guide with you. This can be a book with a description of the route, a map etc.

The Way runs through the heart of the Scottish Highlands. Even though many people safely walk the Way every year, it is still a hike in deserted regions, with extremely changeable weather. There are some safety precautions that must be taken.

Along the Way

Ben Nevis

Some people think that the end of the West Highland Way is a bit of an anti-climax. That's why many people like to end of the footpath with the ascent of the Ben Nevis, Scotlands highest Munro.

Getting Home

There are coach and rail connections from Fort William to Glasgow. Or you can always walk back.
1 Milngavie is pronounced for some obscure reason as 'Mull-guy'

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