How to watch American Network Television

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One must be very careful while in America- moreso if you happen to live there. One thing to watch out for is what passes for 'entertainment ' on it's many and varied television networks. Here are some important points:

1- Do not, no matter what they tell you- Relax your mind.
One must maintain a constant crituique of the material presented lest the shroud of believeability drop firmly over the veiwer. The producers of these shows (especially on the major networks) are not trying to entertain you. They don't care- They want people to behave in a herd-like manner and stampede to the nearest retailer selling their sponsor's products.

2- ALL of them are politically slanted.
All of the Major networks in America are politically biased, with either a lean to the left (democratic party), or the right (conservative or republican party). Contrary to public opinon- neither of these opinions are in any way 'normal'- the status quo they seek to uphold is their own; they imposed it through years of TV programming for children- and control it throught day time talk shows.

3- Never, Ever, Ever- watch the commercials.
They are capable of swilling the brain like a blender. Much like The Jerry Springer show.

Be especially careful of the tabliod news shows.
Good Luck.

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