WWOOFing in New Zealand

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I was introduced to the WHOOFing scheme by a very nice youg lady I met in Nelson, New Zealand. The basic idea is you goto a farm, do four hours work a day and get food and board. Doesn't sound that good at first, but you get to see the side of the country that KIWI Expereince complelty ignores. Simply buy the book with all the list of farms in from any Tourist Information. Give one that you like a ring. There are some really weired ones, but there are usually plenty in an area so you can pick and choose.

My first experience was very dodgy. Three months earlier the husband had run off with a german WWOOFer. The three kids didn't like us (I think they were inbred). We got out of that one quick.

The second one was much different. We wanted to arrive on the Tuesday. The owner was going to be out that evening, but said to come along anyway. When we arrived the door was open and a note told us to make outselves at home. So we raided the larder, cooked dinner, did our washing, had a bath and settled down to an open fire. All in a complete stangers house. The next day the owner arrived and made us really welcome. The work was very physical, but we had great meals. We were taken to the pub and even had a bath in the middle of a field at night. Something that has to be done to be believed. After week we decided to walk the Heaphy track. Not only did the owners lend us walking gear and ample supplies to take, they even drove us the 2 hours to the start of the track. Now that is hospitality.

Not all the WHHOOFing places are that amazing, but it is something that has to be tried if you have the time.

Any questions? [email protected]

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