Ech... Feel sick...

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Nothing really to say today... I'm sitting at my computer, it's 10 AM, I've been up since like 7 or 8 or something, I don't really remember. The world is kinda hazy, and I'm feelin like crap... And not just regular crap, we're talking extra-strength pre-processed microwavable crap in a can here. Usually when I get sick, I feel like crap first thing in the AM, and then I get better and better until I feel fine that evening. Then I go to bed and feel like crap when I wake up again, although less so than I had the day before. Since Friday, however, I've been waking up, feeling more-or-less fine, and then getting worse throughout the day. Today, however, I felt like crap when I woke up. This may be a sign that whatever this is is getting worse, of it may be that I would have felt worse yesterday, except that I took some extra-strength tylenol at 3 AM yesterday, but did not today.

I had a really weird dream though... It had like... Ugh, weird... It took place in the gymnasium of my 7th grade school, with my PE teacher from last semester, my principal since last year, a friend with whom I am supposed to go to the movies some time this weekend, a friend whose aunt's computer I will spend my Monday afternoon fixing, ping-pong balls, and a lot of anger directed my way.

And now, sudenly, I wonder, why this dream? Crystal tells me that I don't have to worry about the appointment on Monday beacuse her aunt's busy with something, my PE teacher misinterperets everything I say and gets angry at me, my principal/advisor gets angry at me for some reason, my friends refuse to help me put these desks away, and Robyn gets up out of her desk (in the gym, go figure) and when I sit down, the teacher finally lets everyone go for lunch (45 minutes late) and makes me stay to put all the desks away. Where is the symbolism?

It could be intepereted like so: I tick people off with what I say, because even though I don't mean it that way, they interpret what I say as something hostile... Robyn goes elsewhere and I get nailed with heavy work beacuse of it, I don't know about that. Perhaps I blame things that happen to me on others too much, and don't take responsibility myself. Ade and Aaron spent most of the time I was working goofing around and making a mess, making it harder to do what I had to do. This probably isn't symbolic, beacuse they do that anyway. Crystal's aunt is busy so the thing I'd made plans aroudn has been removed, and I could have proceeded with life as normal. THis actually happens a lot, and may be happening at the moment, actually. If Robyn doesn't call, then the same thing will have happened today as well.

Well regardless of the meaning, it was a weird dream, and one that made me wonder what kind of drugs I'v ebeen taking without remembering it. Too bad I felt like crap after waking up from it.

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