The City of Hull - Is it worse than any other city in the North

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I am at present living in a city in the North of England called Hull which is inhabited by all kinds of strange people most of which vaguely resembling human form. A lot of these abhorrent wretched humonoids are locally known as CHAV'S.
On no account should you ever ask a CHAV for directions or any kind of advice whatsoever. A CHAV's communication skills are very limited and approaching them with any kind of greeting will probably result in a response of a few grunts, the sudden appearance of five more of its tribe encircling you, a lot of sharp blows to the back of your head and you awake lying on the ground to find your wallet and mobile phone has vanished.
Hull is also known as Chavtown.
Its by no coincidence that Hull has some of the cheapest properties for sale in England at present time so its great for first time buyers. Hopefully this means in the longterm view a lot more investment will come into Hull. The city is beginning to have a major multi-cultural change for the better. There is much more variety of different cultures in Hull than there where ten years ago.

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