Follow That Dream

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DNA has left the building
Pop over and pay your respects

Researchers throwing a star in the air

When I heard about the passing of DNA - I was shocked, as I am sure were you. At 49 he was still in his prime and I am sure had a lot more to offer the world.

I still cant believe it, and I am sure all the Douglas family here in the UK and in the States must be feeling the same way.

DNA's page hasn't stopped. A posting of tribute to this great man seems to be one or two every minute and has not slowed down yet.

Quite a few new Researchers have logged on just to add their best wishes to his family and pay tribute.

If any of the DNA's family get to read this and I hope they do, may I just say a posthumous Thankyou on behalf of all the h2g2 family.

Douglas's dream of a hand held guide almost came to reality with the WAP phones but alas the technology and the cost of using it was much to be desired.

The next generation of phones will, I am sure, be closer to his needs but will this site continue forward and help realise his dream.

Now that the BBC has taken over the the Guide, We should do all that is in our power to see his dream does come true. The BEEB seems to consider the guide to be a high class chat room. The writing of Articles tend to take second place. I know the Towers will, I am sure want to help in any way they can. Hopefully they will be able to persuade the power who be.

I myself, am guity of not adding to the Guide for some time and will do my best to rectify this situation.

Who is with me ??

Lets make the guide be the way DNA hoped, This would be the biggest tribute we could give him and is something we could all take part in.

Write an article on whatever subject you like and get it approved. Dedicate it to the man who started it all.

Lets do it the DNAWAY.


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