The 80s

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The 1980s were a scar on history, not dissimilar to one left by a nasty accident involving a rather large knife and a disgruntled ex-wife. In its wake it left bad hair styles, bad synth music, "we are differnt on the outside, but the same on the inside" John Hughes movies and Timmy Mallett. Worst of these was Timmy Malletts ill advised move into the pop world with one hit wonders Bombalarina (this may have actually been in the early 90s, but we all know when the seeds were sown). This was seen by many as punishment for the excessive drug taking and too much "making love, not war", which left God rather lonely, but they probably just made that up.
There were some good things that took place in the 80s, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, but that was nearly in the 90s and it was only correcting the mistakes of a previous decade (it is a little known fact that a decade controls what goes on during it, not the people alive during it. I am only writeing this because the 80s beat the 90s in a game of darts last week). The bad things certainly out way the good - mobile phones, yuppies, MArgaret Thatcher... the list is endless.
But remember without the 80s we would have no 90s. Each decade is a product of the last. A really crappy decade (40s - there was a bloody great war) leads to a slightly better one (50s), which leads to one that starts off really dull but gets quite exciting by the end (60s), which leads to another good one which we can now look back and laugh at (70s) which leads to another crappy one. The cycle will go on.

One last thing to remember - time is just the minds perception of life slipping away, so the 80s never really exsisted.

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