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Bridgnorth is a small market town in Shropshire, England. It straddles the River Severn and is thus divided into High Town - high on a ridge overlooking the valley - and Low Town, which runs along the river banks near the bridge. An historic town, it was founded in the 12th century when the castle was built high on the ridge. The only bit of the castle that remains today is part of the central tower, which having been blown up by Parliamentary forces in 1646 now leans at a greater angle than the Tower of Pisa. Some of the town walls can still be seen, although in a ruinous state, particularly the "half moon battery", the base of one of the towers, which can be seen from behind the town library. The castle was recently the subject of Channel 4's "Time Team" and features on their website - - some good pictures there. Views over the valley from the "Castle Walk" were (allegedly) said by Charles I to be "the finest in his dominions". The Church of St Mary's, nearby, was built by Telford - well designed by him actually :)
The town was besieged by Parliamentarian troops in 1646 who gained entry near the Church of St Leonards, at the opposite end of the High St. from the castle. Fierce fighting is said to have taken place in the churchyard and the alleged sword of one of the defenders, colonel Billingsley, used to hang in the church (it's redundant now, and claiming benefit - no doubt the sword was seized by the social as evidence of cohabitation <witch>)
The retreating Royalists headed for the castle, setting fire to the town on the way - they were heavy smokers - and the rest is, well, er, history.
Linking High Town and Low Town are a number of ironclad steep stairways or "steps" such as Stoneway Steps, up and down which cargo from the Severn trows - sailing barges - was pulled by donkeys, as well as the imaginatively named "Cartway" which was put to similar use. Belonging to a later age is the Cliff railway, a funicular railway which is said to be the steepest in England. However you get to the bottom, you will find the historic timber framed Bishop Percy's house at the bottom of Cartway and nearby the excavated remains of a 12th century Friary. A ghost of one of the friars is said to haunt the area! The town boasts many pubs - when I lived there my friends and I counted 50, but I think some of those may be gone now - but if you're there check out the B**ks's bitter! <stout><stiffdrink>

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