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I do not know what happened to the entry I made on Sortland, the blue city by the sea. It is nowhere to be found, not even in the hitchhicker guide to the galaxy.
I made the entry about a year ago, and BBC seems to have made it go away..
Still, it says "Don't panic" on the cover so since I always thought Sortland to be the center of the universe, I Best start all over again ;
Once upon a time, north of the artic Circle, some norce vikings decided to build a homestead. The named it Suortoland, and in time the name turned into Sortland. On the broad line between the sea (Sortland sundet) and the mountains it grew into a small town.
A local artist found there were nothing to loose by painting it all blue, or actualy turning the whole place into a 3D painting, houses, streets and all.
I love the idea, and I love the colors. Just look at it ? have you ever seen anything like it ?
Sortland is much more, it's midnight sun, skeeing, artic kajac race, fishing and of course the region centre in VesterĂ¥len.
go see for yourself at

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