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here is the story of a young man named Bob. If I had a story. No, instead this is an entry on the closest device to the ever popular one originating from the factories of Ursa Minor. It has most of the features of the actual Guide and more. If you guessed a pocket pc you are close but completly wrong. We all know that windows is unstable but the mobile version is unstable. what’s &$*$@^) wrong with Microsoft. Blackberries? Closer but still wrong. And don’t even get me started on the sharp zaurus. The correct answer is a Palm powered PDA or smartphone, espiecally smartphone.
Their are certain steps you must take, don’t worry they’re usaully painless as long as you refrain from dropping the device on your foot.
1.get any new palm with wifi or a wireless card
2.get a big SD card(in storage, not size): 512 Megabytes to 2 Gigabytes
3.set up device
4.go to mobile, view it and/or save every h2g2 ENTRY webpage to SD card via saving and then clicking and dragging to palm installer and selecting save to card if you want
Some may argue an OQO or similar handtop is better (if you know what either those are and you’re not Jeff you don’t need this article) but those are biggish and kind of expensive; by kind of expensive I mean really expensive.
If you have a better way of having a Hitchhihers Guide to the Galaxy, like pocketPC,s or want to argue with me drop a message in a bulletin board below.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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