Learning to fly - FAA Private Pilot Certification Process

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The following information1 details the requirements for certification, and subsequent privileges under the FAA's guidelines for:

  1. Student Pilots

  2. Private Pilots (certified, non commercial pilots)

in a single engine, land based aircraft.

FAA stands for Federal Aviation Administration. Hence, these rules apply to all student pilots learning to fly in the United States, and all private pilots, foreign or domestic, who wish to fly in the United States. The significance of this is that pilots must always adhere to local aviation rules. In other words, even if you are a member of the Europe Union these rules will apply to you if you wish to fly one day in the United States.

Student Pilots

A student pilot is limited to the conditions and operating rules of a student pilot certificate.

    Eligibility- To be eligible for a student pilot certificate, a student must:
  • Be at least 16 years old.
  • Be able to read English.

  • Solo requirements- A solo flight is defined as a flight in which the student is the sole occupant of the aircraft. In order to operate an aircraft in solo flight a student must meet the following requirements:
  • The student must satisfactorily pass an informal knowledge test of aeronautical knowledge which addresses: airspace rules, airport procedures where the solo flight will take place, flight characteristics and operational limitations for the make and model of the aircraft to be flown. The student's instructor will administer the test and review all incorrect answers with the student before authorizing the solo flight.
  • Before the solo flight, a student must log flight training for the following flight manuevers. The following manuevers must be demonstrated to the instructor's satisfaction before the solo flight is authorized:
    1. Flight preparation, preflight planning, engine and aircraft systems operation.
    2. Taxiing and engine run-ups.
    3. Takeoffs and landings, including with crosswind.
    4. Straight and level flight, and turns.
    5. Airport traffic patterns, entry and departure.
    6. Collision avoidance, windshear and wake turbulance avoidance.
    7. Descents, with and without flaps, with and without turns.
    8. Flight at various airspeeds, including landing speeds- which is referred to as 'slow flight'.
    9. Stalls- in which lift is insufficient at low airspeeds. This includes entry into stalls from various attitudes, and subsequent recovery of the aircraft from the stall.
    10. Emergency procedures and equipment malfunctions.
    11. Ground reference maneuvers- flight around and in reference to points on the ground.
    12. Approaches to emergency landings, with simulated engine malfunctions.
    13. Slips to a landing. A slip is a maneuver where opposing rudder and aileron are forced, in order to control a descent. A slip may increase the rate of descent or be useful when flying in strong crosswinds.
    14. Go-arounds. This refers to an aborted approach to landing and subsequent 'go-around' for another approach.

  • Limitations- A student pilot may not:
  • Carry a passenger.
  • Be hired, to carry property for compensation, or for any business.
  • Fly to international destinations, excepts from Alaska to Canada.
  • Fly when visibility is less than 3 miles by day or 5 miles by night.
  • Fly when the ground is not visible.
  • Fly contrary to the limitations given by the instructor.

  • Cross Country Solo Flight- A solo cross country flight is defined as any flight over 25 miles from the airport of origin.
  • The student must receive instruction for cross country flight, prior to being endorsed for cross country solo flight by the instructor.
  • The instructor must fly the route with the student prior to any cross country solo flight over 50 miles. The student must receive instruction for procedures at the destination airport.
  • All cross country flight must be conducted under VFR conditions. Visual Flight Regulations are limitations on flight, based on available visibility.
  • Further instruction must be received on:
    1. Navigation and use of aeronautical charts.
    2. Use of compass for navigation.
    3. Analysis of weather reports and forecast.
    4. Emergency procedures.
    5. Operation over hazardous geographical terrain.
    6. Use of radios for navigation and two-way radio communication.
    7. Advanced take-off and landing procedures. These include short-field, and soft-field takeoffs as well as crosswind take-off, approaches and landings.
    8. Best-rate and best-angle climbs.
    9. Control and maneuverability by sole use of aircraft instruments, including various maneuvers and use of radios and air traffic control directives. This simulates the situation of no visibility outside the aircraft. Since a student pilot must conform with Visual Flight Regulations the situation may arise when visibility falls without the students fault. Therefore this exercise serves to simulate the situation of no visibility and subsequent use of instruments for flight. To simulate no visibility, the student normally wears a hood to partially cover the eyes, making only the inside of the cockpit visible.

Private Pilots

A student pilot who has passed various examinations may receive a private pilot certification. A private pilot must meet many of the requirements of the student pilot, those stated above. Therefore only the additional requirements of the private pilot are included below, as well as the additional privileges.

    Eligibility- To be eligible for a private pilot certificate the pilot must:
  • Be at least 17 years old.
  • Received instruction and passed the requirements mentioned in the 'student pilots' section.

  • Requirements- In order to receive a private pilot certificate a student pilot must:
  • Pass a written test on the following subjects:
    1. Federal Aviation Regulations.
    2. Accident reporting.
    3. Use of the Aeronautical Information Manual (from which the information for this guide entry is mainly taken.)
    4. Use of aeronautical charts for navigation.
    5. Radio communications procedures.
    6. Weather situations and critical weather avoidance.
    7. Safe and efficient operation of aircraft.
    8. Effects of density altitute (temperatute/humidity and altitude) on take-off and climb performance.
    9. Weight and balance computations.
    10. Principles of aerodynamics, engines, and aircraft systems.
    11. Aeronautical decision making and judgement.
    12. Preflight actions.
  • Pass a checkride (practical flight exam) on the following subjects:
    1. All flight proficiency subjects mentioned in the student pilot section above, and in addition:
    2. Preflight procedures.
    3. Basic instrument manuevers (similar to those mentioned in the student pilot section).
    4. Night operations.
    5. Postflight procedures.
  • Log the following flight experience:
    1. At least 40 hours of total flight time.
    2. At least 20 hours of flight time with an instructor.
    3. At least 10 hours of solo flight time, consisting of:
      • At least 5 hours of cross-country solo flight.
      • At least 1 solo cross-country flight for over 150 miles, with a minimum of 3 stops at 3 airports in between.
      • At least 3 take-offs and landings to a full stop in an airport with a control tower.
    4. At least 3 hours of cross-country flight instruction.
    5. At least 1 cross country flight of over 100 miles.
    6. At least 10 takeoffs and 10 landings with a full stop.
    7. At least 3 hours of flight solely based on instruments (under the hood- eyes partially covered). This includes manuevers and operations.
    8. At least 3 hours in preparation for the checkride (practical flight test).

    Privileges and Limitations-
  • A private pilot may carry passengers.
  • A private pilot with more than 200 hours of flight time may demonstrate an aircraft to a prospective buyer.
  • A private pilot may be reembursed for search and rescue or state/federal flights.
  • A private pilot who meets further requirements may tow a glider.
  • A private pilot may not be hired by a business or by passengers.

For further information

You can find further information about the FAA and certification, as well as other useful information at the FAA website. One of the most extensive suppliers of pilot tools and materials is Jeppesen. The best way to find a flight school, from the thousands of airports in the United States, as well as more information on how to become a pilot, go to the Student Pilot Network website.

1rules and regulations are referenced from the FAR/AIM2001 (Federal Aviation Regulations/Aeronautical Information Manual, year 2001)- the pilot's bible.

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