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Chemistry students all over the world are having trouble trying to memorize the periodic table of the elements. There are supposedly over 100 elements in the world so far discovered. This is much too dificult to learn and is completely useless to those of us who play Fantasy Role Playing Games. I have done much research and many thought experiments to conclude there are only 6 elements in the universe:
Air. Aether.
Water. Fire.
Earth. Eka-fire.

Aether is the lightest of the elements. It floats above the sky forming "Outer Space" and is almost counted as energy. It is typicaly blue when lit but can glitter when unlit. When it collects in large amounts and is put under pressure (say, in a bad mood because of the weather) It can fall through the Air as "Lightning" and may collect enough to become Fire.

Fire is a highly unstable element. No one knows exactly when Humans were able to harness the power of Fire, but it is the element that facilitates change. Fire is lighter than Water, but it can keep it's shape better than Air. It charictarised by intense heat and the distinctive glow. Fire is commonly used to cook with and to light the world when the sun is not available.

Eka-Fire is only a theory right now. It is believed to be a liquid state of fire and may compose the Sun. Lava is not a form of fire, but a compound of Fire and Earth.

The element known as Air comes in several forms. Usualy, it is about 78% "Nitrogen" isotope and 20% "Oxygen" isotope. Only "Oxygen" is breathable by humans. Air can condense, somewhat like Aether, to form Water. When this hapens, it forms clouds and eventualy Rain.

Water is the element we drink. It is typicaly a liquid but extreme cold can change it into a solid. This happens as the Air influence acts upon the water and compacts it further. Water can be observed in caves, over millions of years of collecting, to become Earth. Some water can be boiled and we can observe some Earth remaining in the beaker.

Earth is the most solid known element. It is available in a wide variety if isotopes ranging from "Salt" to "Gold" to "Titanium". Radioactive substances are not pure Earth, but a compound of Earth and Aetrher.

The elements exert an influence that relates to their substance.
Air - Cold. If you stand in the wind, you will get cold.

Water - Wet. Go swimming, what do you get?

Earth - Dirty. Dust and dirt will always collect on anything that stays still long enough.

Fire - Hot. This is why Fire is used to cook food and to melt isotopes of Earth.

Aether - Surprise!. This was orriginaly discovered by Wizards working on Terry Pratchett's Discworld. The Unseen University listed this element as Surprise, however, this is merely the effect. If you were suddenly hit by a lightning bolt, wouldn't it surprise you?

Eka-Fire This has not been fully documented. The ammount of fire required to generate this substance in the laboratory results in the place burning down.

Everything in the universe is a compound or an isotope of these elements. Wizards can use these six elements in various spells to achieve the desired effect be it blasting a monster or replicating items. Eka-fire is still being researched at the new R. W. Azbestose Memorial Lab. The information on this elemnt will be forthcomming when available.

In the mundane world, chemistry students are advised to disregard this article as it is completly false. Void where prohibited. Batteries (Earth/Aether compound) not included.

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