The Holy Grail and lemon custard

1 Conversation

A dream dreamt and added to the library by PieZetti

I'm in a giant storage facility/warehouse (a la the
very end of "The Raiders of the Lost Ark") with a
group of my closest friends and three people I
have never seen before. We are searching for
something, and I have some sort of tracking
device in my right hand the whole time. It
changes shape many times, but it mostly feels
and/or looks like a Swiss Army Knife. We are
finally led to the object of our desire, which is
suspended from the ceiling and glowing like the
Holy Grail, when a real charicature of a nazi
commander captures me and take me to a room
away from my friends, all the time saying, "Ve
haff ways ov makink you tok, infidel" or some
such thing. We then arrive in a large blue room
with a hot tub set in the floor, surrounded by
several large artificial palm trees and scantily
clad cocktail waitresses. I'm suddenly wearing a
bathing suit circa 1920, the kind that you would
drown in if you went swimming, and someone
helps me into the hot tub, which is full of lemon
custard. One of the waitresses hands me an
abnormally large drink with a lot of fruit and
flowery things in it, and while drinking it, I stab
myself in the eye with the little paper umbrella. I
get up, run out the nearest door, and into the
produce isle at my local supermarket. After
collecting the things I need for dinner that night, I
hail a taxi to New Mexico to visit my cousin.
That's where I woke up. (At the end of the dream,
not in New Mexico)

This will be one of many. I am still suffering the
lingering effects of an awful substance known as
Prozac, which doesn't guarantee any serious
help "organizing the up-stairs" but gives you very
vivid, memorable dreams...

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