Bye Bye Human Life

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"ATTENTION! THIS IS THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM! THIS IS NOT A TEST! A LARGE ASTEROID, 12 MILES ACROSS, IS HEADING FOR EARTH! UPON CONTACT EVERY CITY IN THE WORLD WILL BE ERADICATED, ALONG WITH MOST LIFE! ANYBODY OR ANYTHING THAT SURVIVES WILL BE KILLED DURING THE NUCLEAR WINTER WHICH WILL FOLLOW! THIS IS THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM! THIS IS NOT A TEST!" That is the message people will be hearing in 2047. It's true a large asteroid is on a collision path with Earth. The dinosaurs were all killed by a meteroite only six miles accross. Mabey after a few million years another dominant species will evolve, but humans have had their day. Who knows, mabey superintelligent ants will be watching a film called 'Human Park' where a load of the extinct species of Humans are brought to life and kept in a zoo.

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