Ballroom Dancing

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Once believed to be dying out, but now steadily reviving as people realise what a deadly weapon it is.
Ballroom Dancing is widely believed to be an elegant, sober, genteel pursuit; a pastime without compare. This is only half true. It is truely a pastime, and an incomparable one at that, but you should not underestimate the overall butchness of the activity. It is not unknown for Ballroom Dancers to combine their dancing with wrestling, fencing, or even that most vicious of all sports, badminton.
Indeed, the physique of dancers is not the only stereotype breaking aspect of Ballroom. The men who dance are perceived commonly to be gentlemen, slightly snobbish, and thoroughly respectable. An opinion to which the dancer who's (and I quote) "in it for the babes" would no doubt be opposed.
Nobody can dance like Bristol.

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