Mobile Phones-The original Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy-Already Dated?

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There is only one real omission with the original Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, which is that the people of 'earth' are although miserable do not all want a DIGITAL WATCH. Instead due to very tiny technological advances by these particular c-based life forms the new trend has become MOBILE PHONES...

A mobile phone is a means of communication, it is intended for use by the c-based life forms when they are away from their dwellings and wish to communicate to other c-based life forms.

Which is rather odd really because there has been sufficient infrastructure in place for decades for the need of communication outside of the c-based life form dwelling. Telephone boxes which one of the only ways to communicate outside of the residential dwelling have now been surpassed by MOBILE PHONES

The average mobile phone is small by nature (Actually the average mobile phone is small because of un - 'natural' selection. C-based life forms have favored the smallest of the species due to the advantages that they hold for the c-based life forms).

They consist of a lot of circuitry and produce radio waves and radiation.(This is what allows them to communicate to other members of their species, although the radiation has adverse effects upon the c-based life form that uses it.)

If you press the face of a mobile phone it will usually let out a screech of pain, although not actually harmed by such action this is merely a defense mechanism against c-based life forms using them as a tool for communication.

In the past 5 years the mobile phone population has increased rapidly. At first the mobile phones were a hidden species not really noticed by the c-based life forms, however in their exploitation they have been selectively bred for industrial purposes.
Now the mobile phone is no longer hidden and scarred, instead they are a common sight on almost every continent on the 'earth'.
The major concern by RSPOMP (Royal society for the protection of Mobile phones) is that due to a falling popularity (a result of over population and annoyance) the mobile phone population will soon be pushed to the brink of existence. The OROTB (Organisation for the rights of the telephone boxes) however have commented that this would be a welcome move to ensure the survival of the telephone boxes

Uses of mobile phones by certain c-based life forms include

Primary Use: Communication to other c-based life forms (Achieved through vocally and by 'messages') A message is sent in 'text' to those c-based life forms who they wish to communicate to but can not actually be bothered to talk to.

Secondary Use: Entertainment ( The c-based life forms are well known by other c-based life forms for using their mobile phone to entertain them. This can be achieved by pressing the face of the mobile phone in certain ways which will result in the emergence of a particular string of noises which are frequently mistaken by the c-based life forms as 'music')

Other Uses: May be sold in exchange for 'green pieces of paper'

To communicate to c-based life forms who have just left other c-based life forms, or to communicate to c-based life forms who are engaged in the toilet.
The mobile phone is well known for its very sensitive nature and it is not uncommon to see them sulking in the bottom of c-based life forms bags or pockets. The mobile phone (quite rightly) gets really upset when it is used for c-based life from Barbie doll conversations in the toilets when the other c-based life form Barbie doll is 20 meters away.

And so the mobile phone feels as though its life is a complete waste of time and consequently very often tries to fake its own death by bleeping and whirring at the offending c-based life form and refusing to co-operate. The c-based life form which is renown for its low tolerance for anything, but especially for those things which refuse to co-operate, gets angry and subsequently throws the mobile phone away, which gives the mobile phone the opportunity to live the rest of its life in freedom in a waste disposal tip with others of its kind that the c-based life forms have rejected as obsolete because of their large size or because of the mobile phones refusal to co-operate.

The nearest planet with the closest living relatives of the mobile phone race is the Planet of Electronia. Over billions of years of evolution the average mobile phone is much larger than its earth counter part and would be considered obsolete by most of the c-based life forms of earth. The larger mobile phone race of Electronia lives in harmony in the smooth Electonia surroundings.
The draw back of Electronia though is that because of the many electrical life forms that have migrated to Electronia a large electrical field is produced and affected the neighboring planets to such a degree that whenever the moon of Electronia blocks the electrical field the life on the neighboring planets is said to suffer simultaneous heart attacks due to their reliance upon the electrical field to ensure the regular beating of their hearts.

The mobile phone is there accountable for a lot more in the universe than certain c-based life forms gives them credit for.

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