How to survive musically in the modern galaxy.

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With the appearance of mini-disc recording walkmans; finally comes the ability for us armchair muso's to acquire the music we choose and listen to it in quality. First find the tune on the internet in either mp3 format or real player format and then simply plug your minidisc player into pc line out or headphone socket and record. The only difference between the 2 is mp3's can be downloaded to your pc and saved in combination with a player like winamp ( I have over 150 ) creating a nice collection to browse and change your travel tunes; and realplayer tunes cannot be saved as the site owners go with .ra files for this reason so they can thus avoid trouble for offering copyrighted music as the mp3 sites sometimes do. Realplayer files need their own player and "stream " to your pc without offering a save option though obviously you can still record them with a minidisc player; just be careful you have a good connection as if this fluctuates you hear it unlike mp3 where you are downloading the entire thing first then playing it. Unfortunately due to the nature of the world we live in with its over-active big brothers and morally superior-though-transparently-inept authoritarian types it is somtimes difficult to find what you want on mp3 and one must use the .ra format but by still recording them we still persevere in the fight for freedom of ALL INFORMATION. Good Luck.

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