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Lately in the Schaubuehne, a theatre in Berlin, there is the Nachtcafé, where smaller performances take place. Among others there is one regular show (well, more or less regular: it has taken place once up to now and there will be at least two other performances), "Das kukulistische Nachtcafé" where David Gieselmann and Ronald Kukulies talk about things they don't know anything about. Naturally this evolves into a more general discussion about not knowing anything about the world we live in, daily making decisions on a too small base of informations to be able to make them and about the general incomprehensibility of the world and how to deal with it. For the second run of the show I have written something called the Kukufest. Here it is:


It is not a remarkable phenomenon not to understand the world.
The world was never understood.
People do not even know how their bodies are working. Although they use them.
Most times without discomfort.
The history of human being is stamped by the incomprehension of the world.
The sun is rising: a wonder. The sun is going down: a wonder. It is raining: a wonder. It stops raining: a wonder.
Incomprehension is no problem.
Humankind exists because it can get awake to the incomprehension.
All inventions result from the recognition of incomprehension.
Incomprehension is a good starting point.
But incomprehension has changed.
The gods are displaced, the nature is plumbable. Even if you do not know why the sky is blue (that is really quite difficult), you know that there is a kind of formula to that fact. Maybe tomorrow the sky will be grey, but for sure it will not be checkered.
Incomprehensible phenomena turn into knowledge gaps.
Technical wonders are taking the place of god's manifests.
Equipment you will never understand.
Which you will never repair.
Which you use everyday.
Videotape recorders, cell phones, washing machines, refrigerators that are able to buy milk in the internet.
There is too much to understand everything.
The people who construct these equipments obviously know more than we do.
Inequality of knowledge produces suspicion.
Suspicion produces plot theories.
Plot theories produce paranoia.
Paranoia produces war.
Kukulism is pacifistic.
Kukulism respects the incomprehension without antagonizing it.
Kukulism declares the beauty of strangeness.
Kukulism destroys the hierarchies of knowledge.
Kukulism is knowledge-anarchy.
Kukulism is pleasure in information without context.
Kukulism is context.
Kukulism is happiness about selfsuspicion.
Kukulism is participation in the complots in general.
Kukulism unites without assimilation.
Kukulism saves the world.

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