Capital Punishment - Revenge or Retribution?

2 Conversations

h2g2 Name: KT

h2g2 id#: 162699

University Dept: Law


In this project I will discuss the death penalty in the United States,
comparing it on a statewide basis, federal and international and how the
United States compares with other first world contries in the implemation of
the statutes.I will begin with the history of the death penalty and take it
through the most recent US Supreme Court decisions

Referenced Fields

State Statutes: NY, Texas, Okalhoma, Florida, South Carolina, N. Carolina,
Virginia, Georgia

Federal Statutes

International Statutes

The Innocence Project (NYU Law School)

The Death Penalty Project (Cornell University Law School)

The Columbia University Law School Death Penalty Survey

Sister Helen Prejean "Dead Man Walking"

US Supreme Court Decisions

and possibly others

I plan to begin the project on May 1 and finish on June 15

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