Royal Chicken Soup

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Some time ago I fell asleep when travelling by train... my dream I was in a large and beautiful castle, where I was guest to the queen and the king. This was quite an honour for me, and even the fact that the queen was a chicken and the king a cock didn't change this.
We were dining in a majestic hall, and through the large windows I could the beautiful sunlit gardens. The Queen was talking most of the time, and most of the time she was complaining about the servants - what a lazy lot they are and how difficult it is to find good personnel and so on.
When we were eating soup, the Queen was talking about one maid which she found especialy terrible. The King didn't say very much, but it was obvious that he liked the maid and was a little angry about the Queen. So when the Queen went on complaining about the poor maid, the king said:
"Well, you're right, but you have do admit: She makes an excellent chicken soup !"
Hearing these words, I looked down at the soup we were eating and woke up amazed, and irritated as I was, I said clearly: "What !? Chicken Soup ?!", much to the amusement of the other passengers.

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