Moderators' Chill Out Zone

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Welcome to the Moderators' Chill Out Zone.

This forum has been created for the benefit of all those

moderators who feel that they might like to join in on all the

fun they are hired to supervise, instead of just supervising it.

This is where moderators can hang out and relax after a

hard day's moderating, safe in the knowledge that their

colleagues will take care of business while they're away

over here. Here they may vent any frustrations stemming from

the job, discuss any issues connected to the performance of it,

or just hang out with a smiley - ale or a smiley - bubbly or even a smiley - stiffdrink.

Moderators; h2g2 belongs to you, too. Go ahead and enjoy it!

The Revolution will not be Tele-Tubbied. Zaphodistas A520769.

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