Badly written but sincere tribute to Bill Hanna

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I have just heard about the death of Bill Hanna, one half of the Hanna-Barbara team, who created The Flintstones, Top Cat, Tom and Jerry along with many other quality characters that people will forever remember as part of their childhood.

The Wacky Races were just one of a fantastic selection of cartoons which had their own unique personalities. In these days of mass produced corporate cartoon in which you could substitue the characters and adventures of one cartoon into another cartoon without the viewers even noticing, Hanna-Barbara cartoons stand out just as much now as when they were first created.

Real cartoons can be enjoyed by everyone. Not just children who sit and watch in the hope of their favourite Pokemon coming on the screen. Real cartoons don't rely on an ongoing plot, thus blackmailing you into watching every episode. No, each episode stands alone, a miniture masterpiece that will be enjoyed just as much by people who have never seen them before as by people who avidly take in every episode. That is what cartoons mean to me, and Bill Hanna will be mourned by hundreds like me I'm sure.

I know cartoons are just funny time fillers, but sometimes even avid fans of silliness such as myself come over all serious. Today I am in mourning. One of my heroes is no more.

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