History And Politics
Created | Updated Aug 18, 2009
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="gracegifford_promo.JPG" ALT="Illustration of Grace Gifford staring at an altar. By Community Artist King Bomba."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="bobbysands_promo.jpg" ALT="Bobby Sands. By Community Artist King Bomba."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="fawcett_promo.jpg" ALT="Artist's impression of Colonel Percy Fawcett searching for the lost city of Z. By Community Artist Malabarista."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="strangefruit_promo.jpg" ALT="A hanged man. By Community Artist King Bomba."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="ayah_pin_cult.jpg" ALT="Pilgrims line up before a teapot, in front of a Malaysian flag. By Community Artist Malabarista."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="trenchlife_promo.jpg" ALT="An artist's impression of life in the trenches. By Community Artist Matt."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="biggles_promo.jpg" ALT="A vintage aeroplane in silhouette. By Community Artist Matt."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="facialhair_promo.jpg" ALT="Burnside and Lee compare facial hair. By Community Artist Tim the Enchanter."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="spartan_promo.jpg" ALT="A Spartan soldier. By Community Artist Tim the Enchanter."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="memorystories.jpg" ALT="Memory Stories. By Community Artist Fairydoodler."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="democrat-republican.gif" ALT="An elephant and a donkey: icons of the main political parties of the USA. By Community Artist Wotchit."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="czechlegion.jpg" ALT="A soldier in the Czech Legion. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="democritus.jpg" ALT="A Greek philosopher contemplating the Sun. By Community Artist Asteroid Lil."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="lifeexpectancy.jpg" ALT="A sand timer marked with points in a person's life. By Community Artist Fairydoodler."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="samuelpepys_promo.jpg" ALT="A quill resting on a parchment of paper. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="cherokeetears.jpg" ALT="A traditional Cherokee warrior stands in front of the white Cherokee rose. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMGH2G2IMG="johnadams_promo.jpg" ALT="American President John Adams. The backdrop depicts the 15-star, 15 stripe flag that came into use in 1794. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="ancientsparta_promo.jpg" ALT="A Spartan helmet in the sand. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="goliath_promo.jpg" ALT="A traditional depiction of the battle between David and Goliath. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="lawrencearabia.jpg" ALT="T E Lawrence, wearing an Arabian headgear. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMGH2G2IMG="fightingstick.jpg" ALT="A shillelagh, an Irish fighting stick. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="thomasharrison_promo.jpg" ALT="A hangman's noose swinging in the wind against a cold cloudy sky. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="douglasbader_promo.jpg" ALT="A statue of Douglas Bader that stands in Goodwood Aerodrome, West Sussex. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="normandy.jpg" ALT="A veteran of the Normany Landings stands in front of a cemetery. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="civilwar.jpg" ALT="A collage made up of the rival flags of the American Civil War, a clash of stars and stripes. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="queenelizabeth.jpg" ALT="Queen Elizabeth I, sitting proud on the battlefield. By Community Artist Jimster."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="williamhague.jpg" ALT="A caricature of former Conservative Party leader William Hague. By Community Artist Wotchit."/> | |
<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" H2G2IMG="bronzebread.gif" ALT="A comic-book Bronze-aged man dramatically slices a loaf of bread with his axe By Community Artist Lady Brianna."/> |