Acohol Survivial Guide (101 things not to do when drunk)
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Basically this entry would abe a guide to the 101 survival tips for when drunk - i.e. things not to do (or even to do!) and thats about it!
Such entries may include:
101 things not to do when drunk
1. Propose to girls who you fancy but hate you.
2. Wake up the next day and pee in the sink.
3. Spend £30 quid on a night out and realise the next day that you only drunk 2 pints... and then wonder how much the extra value meal cost you.
4. Run in front of taxis.
5. Start thinking about why your love life is **** - it will only depreess you further.
6. Send text messages to people.
(extra response are under the message thread in my journal entries from my home page.
Since this is a collaborative entry thoughts/ammendments are welcome!
Genetic Cucumber Mutant