Resource Overuse, Human Detriment, The Issues of Tax and Subsidies in a Wider Context

1 Conversation

I am going to pose an interesting question in todays business orientated, free market economy. Do the very subsidies and tax incentives set out to help individuals, business and organisations and developing nations actually in fact create more harm than good in the long term? Is it leading to the overuse of resources, and the undermining of human wellbeing and labor - are these incentives working to the benefit of society at large?

I think not. Consider this. Subsidies and tax incentives on paper work well economically. You allow for the funding and development; and also encouragement of investment in a particular area which is all good in terms of allocating resources to where they are needed most. However, when it comes to core human values, does'nt mean that labour can be exploited and resources overused and not managed sustainably?

Take country A. They are a well developed, technological society; Country B; a second world country with developing infrastructure, and Country C, a developing country with limited infrastructure. If we look at it from the perspective of country A, are they going to rather invest in country B or C? This is one of the core issues facing NGO's at the moment, that subsidies and tax incentives are leaving out the poorest of countries who need the help most, and are being left out.

At the end of the day, are subsidies, tax incentives and programes working to the best of society or are they infact simply regimes to generate more revenue and ultimatley exploit less powerful players?

I think this issue needs to be addressed if the world wants to encompass and allow all nations to partake in the global economy that is so talked about today. Trade and industry needs to target those countries most in need, rather than simply on the bottom line.

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