Revising the list of Demands

1 Conversation

I stupidly forgot to include OFF-SITE PICTURES in our list of Demands. I want to add this and any other

modifications that we can reach an agreement about, but I want to allow debate first. How bout this? We take two

or three weeks or a month to debate changes, then vote on whether to add these changes to the list of demands on

the Zaphodista page. Or we could post the new set of demands as a petition, and try to get anyone in h2g2

(whether or not they are members of this group) to sign their names on a message forum if they agree.

In this forum over here, Peet


"Subcomandante, you neglected to mention the restoration of images on personal pages in your list of


"The BBC could simply allocate some webspace for each user, storing the pictures on-site. When each picture was

uploaded, it would be replaced by a "placeholder" rectangle until a moderator had glanced at it and clicked a button

to verify that it wasn't pornographic or obviously copyright material - this would take less time than having a

moderator read a single long posting, and people wouldn't be uploading images every day... Hard disk space is

cheap; I'm told that you can get an 80GB UDMA-100 drive for under £250 if you shop around... It would be a small

price for them to pay to make so many people happy!"

Great suggestion for a solution to the problem. Now how do we word the problem in our list of demands?

"Allow off-site pictures to be posted on guide entries and personal pages, either by direct linking or by

allowing users to upload their pictures. The BBC could simply allocate some webspace for each user, storing the

pictures on-site. When each picture was uploaded, it would be replaced by a 'placeholder' rectangle until a

moderator had glanced at it and clicked a button to verify that it wasn't pornographic or obviously copyright material

- this would take less time than having a moderator read a single long posting, and people wouldn't be uploading

images every day."

How does this sound? Does it need something more? Something less? Please discuss how you feel about this

or any other modifications you feel should be made to the list of demands.


As much as I want to push the point of how stupid *sterisks are, it seems minor by comparison

to other problems. Perhaps it would be better to drop this goal for now and choose our battles more wisely. What

do you think? Should we remove the demand relating to swear words and asterisks?

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