vegimans Ramblings II
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
It is like walking on a bog. Hobby gardeners cannot get out to tend their pride and joy, so imagine what fun the farmers are having.
Last week I reported how the Foot and Mouth would affect ordinary people in the UK. Since then, reports that the epidemic is out of control are abundant. Why does it take two or three week for polititions from every party to admit what every one else can see almost straight away?
The spread is being blamed on slow response times, the dead animals are left in the fields for all wild life to go in and help spread it around even faster.
As outlined in the forum Hoof and Mouth on last weeks article. The wet weather conditions cant be a help in this matter. Being a mere mortal, Who I am I to say what is being done is right or wrong.
The amount of people who are re-booking their holidays to go to another country is growing daily. What is the cost to the UK, it must be growing into billions, when all factors are taken into consideration.
Why then, Oh Why, are the officials so against introducing a vaccination programm. The way they are going we will have no animals left and no where to buy new stocks.
The cull continues and the area around the infected areas is getting larger, Surely vaccination of all animals around an infected area would cost less, in the long run.
Will some one wake up, before it is too late, or is it too late already.
If you know why they are not vaccinating animals now - do let us in on the secret. Don't say it is because it is not affective, Most of us already know it will last only six months before it has to be done again. It is now we need it. A culling program with medical care for our animals who have yet to get this desease, surely is a must.
Will the blunders continue ?