They're just words...

2 Conversations

As an english student I have noticed a fear/phobia of certain words. Specifically words like, F**k, P**s, S**t, C**k and C**t. These are anglo-saxon words and have been in the english language longer than their politer counterparts S*x, U***e, D******e, P***s and V****a. The reason they would have gone out of fashion originally is because after the Normans came any thing that was anglo-saxon was considered inferior, and that would have included the language. The victorians then made a big thing out of politeness, incidentally that means the way you should act in a city, and words like this became Taboo. To quote Limp Bizkit 'ain't it a shame that you can't say f**k f**k's just a word and it's all f**ked up' so basically these words only really have power if people give them power and if any of my language offends, while I am sorry as I don't intend to offend, it is your problem as you are the one who gave the words the power, I certainly didn't.

P.S. I live in a city and people talk like this all the -ing time, so I guess it is polite to swear.

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