Pete's Links
Created | Updated Jan 27, 2003
Hopefully the first section of this page will not be expanded indefinitely, ie. it will stop growing once the Vogons1 stop cutting URLs from forums.
Part One: URLs Mentioned in Forums, and Other Specific URLs
When I need to quote an URL which is a page rather than a site, I will include a link to this page and a reference number for the URL. These references will not change.
- Entry in The New Hacker's Dictionary for QWERTY keyboards
- Entry in The New Hacker's Dictionary for can't happen errors
- Entry in The New Hacker's Dictionary for the word "hacker"
- Website defacement statistics by operating system, and related graphs, at Don't trust Macro$loth Whinedoze for your web servers!
- Copyright status of the New Hacker's Dictionary. This is (hopefully) the last link from the NHD that I will cite; as there are so many, I will mention the link below instead.
Part Two: General Links
This section is for links to which I might refer quite often, or which I recommend to passing hikers and/or surfers.
- The New Hacker's Dictionary. Note, esp. to moderators: "hacker" doesn't mean what you probably think it does. See link 3 above.
- The Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW, and the related Web Interoperability Pledge.
- My ex-H2G2 web page. Move along now, nothing to see here :-) (Link is now dead since I couldn't be bothered to maintain it.)
Part Three: ASCII Art
This is where I put my ASCII art and diagrams, which can't be done in forums since text is kerned there. These use the <PRE> tag pair to put everything in a monospaced font.
A Stop-Motion Photograph of Two Falling Balls
This is meant to be like a stop-motion photograph, i.e. the gaps in time between each asterisk are the same. Note that the two balls are always the same distance form the floor, and one ball is moving horizontally at a constant speed.
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