The Copyright Game - Finished!

2 Conversations

All the fun has been removed from this game now TPTB have decided that we are allowed to quote small amounts of song lyrics and suchlike in general conversation. But it'll make the Zaphodistas happy, at least. The replacememnt game is called "The Advocation Game", and can be found here.

Once upon a time, certain moderators (also known as 'squacks' for 'square brackets') removed song titles and single lines of lyrics from the guide, because they 'breached copyright'. This has now changed, and is no longer an issue, but while it was, there was a chance to play a lovely little game with these previously faceless people.

The game was simple: people make whatever posts they like, attempting to have a normal conversation. The trick is that every post MUST contain copyrighted material. For example: the conversation might go:

  • Alice: Hi!
  • Bob: What's the story, morning glory?
  • Alice: I'm losing my religion.
  • Bob: But you are the dancing queen.
  • Alice: Where have all the flowers gone?
  • Bob: Strawberry Fields!

You're allowed song lyrics, sections of books, titles, tunes (da-ba-dee, da-ba-dum) - anything. Special credit is given for anything really obscure that nobody in their right mind would know.

Note! While it should be copyrighted material, you should also be permitted to post it: either because you own the material, or under the "fair use" rules, or because the copyright is out of date. Don't break the House Rules - they're there for a reason.


There were two options which may be used, depending on your desires. The first option puts the attribution after the quote, so you might say 'Hi (from "Hi, my name is" by Eminem)'. The second option is to occasionally include non-copyrighted material, and/or, falsely attributed material - just to keep the squacks on their toes.


You won by getting something removed which isn't copyrighted: at which point you go to the moderation helpdesk and complain about the unwarranted and unjustifiable removal of your content.

You got points by posting the largest amount of continuous copyrighted material (IE, all from the same source, rather than put together from various sources). You also get points for having your post 'hidden pending moderation'.

In addition, the standard rules against hesitation, repetition, and deviation applied.

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